About me

Dr. jur. Gabriele Schüers,
Mother of three grown-up children
Life coach and counselor
Decade-long work with body and consciousness,
supporting people.
Training and further education in
Initiatic Therapy (Forum Rütte, Germany),
Shiatsu (International School of Shiatsu, Graz),
Lomi Lomi (Kahu Abraham, Penny Prior, Kauai),
Matriarchy research
Women trainings (Mayonah Bliss, Germany, and K. Ruby, USA)
Since early on in my life I was interested
in spirituality and psychology.
This caused me to leave my legal career
and dedicate myself to explore
the bodily, psychological and spiritual dimensions of being human.
Of all my trainings and further educations, the Initiatic Therapy by Dürckheim / Hippius
– a transpersonal, depth psychological approach –
forms the primary groundwork until now.
In the year 2000, on the island of Kauai,
I met my most important Hawaiian teacher,
Kahu Abraham Kawai’i.
In the knowledge told by him
and his Lomi Lomi bodywork,
I found parallels and extensions to the initiatic supervision.
So these valuable approaches met
in what I called
“Hawaiian Initiatic Bodywork”.
Lomi Lomi and practised Aloha,
the Polynesian way of life and the art of living
have become a wonderful means of supporting people
and allowed me to find a piece of spiritual home.
In many years of living and working
I increasingly realised
how the deepest problems and needs
of man and environment are related to the consequences
of millennia-long contempt and violation of female energy.
So it’s a great concern of mine
as a woman, mother and facilitator
to raise consciousness for the
power of life, healing and love
of the female principle
and support the creation of a new feminity,
and a culture of women and life.
Aloha and Lomi Lomi help us to re-member
what being human means in the context of creation.
I’m deeply thankful
to be a part of this global work of remembrance.
MAHALO to all my teachers
who I was able to meet in this life.